Merin the Mermaid

Merin the Mermaid

Status COMPLETED Total chapters 44 Last Updated 4 years ago
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Authors of Merin the Mermaid


Summary of Merin the Mermaid

Mermaid are mythical creatures who seduce humans with their sweet voices and beauty in order to feed on their hearts. But Dee, a mermaid, fell in love with Lewen, the prince of Erenbur. She was unable to eat his heart. Instead she loses her voice in exchange for legs to live on land and reunite with the prince. Meanwhile, the elder prince Lewinel returns home with his newly betrothed Irena, the princess of Ladivita.

Chapters of Merin the Mermaid

Reladed Manhwas of Merin the Mermaid

Castle ; Trapped

Castle ; Trapped

Super Rich

Super Rich

Stimulate Raw

Stimulate Raw



Black Love

Black Love

Sister's Friend Raw

Sister's Friend Raw

Girlfriend Zombie Raw

Girlfriend Zombie Raw

Announcer Raw

Announcer Raw

Public Interest Raw

Public Interest Raw



Sooyung Comic Shop Raw

Sooyung Comic Shop Raw

A Fool and a Girl

A Fool and a Girl

Our Twenties

Our Twenties

My Landlady Noona

My Landlady Noona

Household Affairs

Household Affairs

Spread the Peace!

Spread the Peace!

Rain Curtain

Rain Curtain

Achilles Heel

Achilles Heel



Mistaken for a Call Girl

Mistaken for a Call Girl

A Bad Friend

A Bad Friend

FFF-Class Trashero

FFF-Class Trashero

Hahri’s Lumpy Boardhouse

Hahri’s Lumpy Boardhouse

No Holes Barred

No Holes Barred