Girls of the Wild’s

Girls of the Wild’s


Status COMPLETED Total chapters 261 Last Updated 5 years ago
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Authors of Girls of the Wild’s


Summary of Girls of the Wild’s

Wild’s High has a 42-year history as a fighting specialized, girls only, private high school meant solely for the elite. It is also the place that Wild’s-League is held: the most popular event in the country and the only place in the world where teenage girls have brutal fights with their lives on the line. One year the school changed from a girls only school to a mixed gender school. The only male student, Song Jae Gu, has been granted a full 3-year scholarship regardless of grades. Being someone who had to spend every moment either working or taking care of his younger brother and sister, he accepted. But after meeting Queen, the bloody champion of Wild’s-League, drenching her in coffee, calling her a monster, and getting caught seeing her while she was taking a shower… his scholarship could prove fatal.

Chapters of Girls of the Wild’s

Reladed Manhwas of Girls of the Wild’s

Teacher punishment

Teacher punishment

The Seagull and the Hunter

The Seagull and the Hunter

June’s Love

June’s Love

Slaves Raw

Slaves Raw

I Want to Know Her Raw

I Want to Know Her Raw

Promised Orchid

Promised Orchid



Midsummer Night’s Dream

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Making AV: A Sneak Peek

Making AV: A Sneak Peek

Dear Door

Dear Door

Sex in The Sleeping Bag

Sex in The Sleeping Bag

Midnight Toy Shop

Midnight Toy Shop

Angel House

Angel House

Stargram Goddess (Instar) Raw

Stargram Goddess (Instar) Raw

Hero Manager

Hero Manager

The Road of Karma

The Road of Karma

Family Adjustments Raw

Family Adjustments Raw

Exposure Raw

Exposure Raw

A Killer Woman

A Killer Woman

Uso-Bitch Senpai

Uso-Bitch Senpai

One Room Hotel Raw

One Room Hotel Raw

A World That I Rule

A World That I Rule

Annoying Alice

Annoying Alice